うちのいぬ Tech Blog

Tech Blog of Uchinoinu/My dog

How to handle Error: IBOutlet is nil in ViewController transited by code not by Segue.

Japanese version is here uchinoinu.hatenablog.jp


Principle to develop

  • Make UI using Storyboard
  • Using IBOutlet
  • Transition by Code


  • 遷移先でIBOutletさんがnilになります


I did wrong way to call ViewController to transit to.

let nextVC = NextViewController() // This is bad way
navigationController?.pushViewController(nextVC as UIViewController, animated: true)

In above, NextViewController is just called.

In other words, just made instance without Storyboard context information.

So NextViewController has no IBOutlet information.

This is why IBOutlet is nil.

How to overcome

**You should make instance with Storyboard context.

So use StoryboardID.**

let nextVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Const.StoryboardID.nextViewController) as! NextViewController
navigationController?.pushViewController(nextVC as UIViewController, animated: true)

Now IBOutlet is not nil


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