うちのいぬ Tech Blog

Tech Blog of Uchinoinu/My dog

How to handle Error "Untrusted Developer" at running app for debugging in iOS device

I'm writing about iOS/Flutter development tips.

The details are as follows


How to handle Error "Untrusted Developer" at running app for debugging in iOS device

Error detail

Untrusted Developer

Your device management settings do 
not allow using apps from developer
"Apple Development:
xxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyy)" // <-- signing certificate
on this iPhone. You can allow using
these apps in Settings.

Error Meaning

You can configure your app about Team, Provisioning Profile, Signing Certificate from Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode.

The error message tells you no permission was granted for launching the app of the setting in the device.

How to handle

In iOS14.6, Setting > General > Device Management, choose target developer app, and tap Trust button.

But this menu/page title and page structure may be different from each iOS version.