In Wercker, error "Bundler failing with index file .idx too small error" is show up
Using Wercker for Building and Deploying Rails 4.x application. The Wercker version is Docker.
In the build step,
Bundler failing with index file .idx too small error
error above is occurred so many times. and in the end,
Retry exceeds max retries
showing error above, build process was stopped.
This error already has been reported, but never been resolved
Anyway, clearing cache is the solution.
And I tried it, build step has passed so easily.
But every time using this pipeline, i should clear the cache.
It is really bothering, so I want to set the script in wercker step.
- script: name: Clear bundle cache code: rm -rf /pipeline/cache/bundle-install/ruby/2.3.0/cache/bundler/git/*
You should set your app own path/to/file in code.
But this script may make CI Load high. (Now I've never meet any trouble yet.)