How to fix error "Could not insert new outlet connection and deleting DerivedData doesnt work"
- Xcode 7.3
- Using Storyboard, when I tried to connect IBOutlet, error "Could not insert new outlet connection and deleting DerivedData doesnt work" was shown
- And set automatic in Assistant Editor, No Result was shown, and targeted View Controller never been shown
- But targeted ViewController has been set already
I thought
- Basically valid indexing resolves any problems
- Set Index On, and automatically launch indexing
- Command to launch it
defaults write IDEIndexDisable 0
- Command to launch it
Second hand: Clear old data and retry connecting with clear Xcode
- Clear cache
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/
- Clear DerivedData
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData/{project name}
- Clean Build
- Restart Xcode
- Delete DerivedData and indexed, problems was solved